
Shared living made easy.

Solo, Passion Project

Project Type


UX/UI Researcher + Designer


Sep 2024 - Jan 2025

"A gamefied way to track shared spaces, avoid

conflicts, and keep housemates in sync"

conflicts, and keep housemates in sync"conflicts, and keep housemates in sync"
"A gamefied way to track shared spaces, avoid "A gamefied way to track shared spaces, avoid

Chapter 1 : Money, money, money

Whenever newcomers move to the Bay Area, Whenever newcomers move to the Bay Area,
they're usually left culture shocked...they're usually left culture shocked...

Not by the self-driving cars,

nor by the robot waiters…

But rather,

by how everyone was affording rent.

The answer?

42% of Bay Area adults live in

a 'doubled-up' household

Being the 2nd most expensive

U.S. region to live in,

*doubled-up (adj): adults living together for financial reasons



…yet over 1/4 people report to be dissatisfied

with their roommate situation

That's ~450,000 unhappy Bay Area locals!

How can I make the inevitable situation of living

with housemates a more enjoyable experience

for young adults in the Bay Area


  1. Find out what Bay Area locals dislike about living with roommates

  2. Hone in on one main issue with room for improvement


Chapter 2 : Here's what Dwell can do for you…

Peace-of-Mind Usage

With Dwell's timer function, you can set & forget.

Your housemates will stay well-informed of how

long you intend to use a room or appliance for.

This will reduce uncertainty & aid with time

management for all tenants.

Personable Characters

Choose a fun avatar that represents your user profile.

Between Berry, Starr, and PaperMan, these characters

remind us that our roommates are people just like us,

and to cut them some slack from time-to-time.

Privately review your usage statistics. Don't worry!

These are only for yourself to see. Just a good way

to remain considerate of your other housemates.

Soft Reflection

Intuitive, Speedy Setup

…and last but not least, give your

roomates a nudge in times of need…

Just like that,

you'll be best friends with your roommates in no time ;)

Chapter 3 : User Interview Time

In order to form the blueprint of my app design,

I took to the streets of Palo Alto to interview

some Stanford University students

Our target audience are early-career professionals/

college students, living in shared households


  • Interviewees: 6 (3 male, 3 female)

  • Average duration: ~11 mins

  • Ages: 21-29 years

  • Donuts handed out: ½ dozen

Meet Ashley

MS @


Age: 25

Salary: 29/h




"Not being able to live life in my own rhythm"

*hover to read more*

"Keep drama to a minimum"

*hover to read more*

"Reading people's minds"

*hover to read more*

What's the biggest struggle you face living with roommates?

How do you personally deal with this struggle?

If you could have a superpower to help with this, what would it be?

*My initial idea was to create an app that let's you give commands to housemates (i.e. take out trash),

but based on the outcome of the interviews, I learned this might lead to passive-aggression;

thus I adapted my idea to the following…


  • Know which amenities are in use

  • Stay mindful of their amenity usage

  • Encourage healthy interaction if need-be

  • Settle finances of co-living (i.e. rent, chores)

  • Punish or shame housemates for usage habits

  • Intend to replace housemate interaction


Designing the Dwelling

I modelled Dwell after a TV remote

The inspiration of my app design for Dwell was the Roku TV remote.

For a generation that widely owns these user-friendly TVs, I wanted to

bring the comfort, functionality, and familiarity of the remote to their


whimsical theme

deep purple tone

colorful button variations


  • Text color doesn't pop

  • User profile doesn't look clickable

  • Icons look too similar

User-Testing Stage

*swipe to compare*


  • Found complementary text

    color using color theory

  • Added user's name underneath avatar

  • Utilized more recognizable icons +


The final prototype

to navigate prototype

Ready to start livin' easy with Dwell?


to restart

Wrap-up: Would I change anything?

If I could do it again, I would host multiple rounds of user testing, because

it was the most influential on my later-stage design process. I would also

team up with a developer, create a beta version, and gather quantitative

data from room-sharers, such as: how much time does this save you

daily, or rate your perception of your roommates before/after.

The idea is still early, and I'm still young, so a lot can still happen to see

this form a full-baked app :)

Return to Camp!

Return to Camp!

Omar Tawil.